Wednesday, January 10

I'm in love...

Have you seen Will Smith's son?! Ok he may be 7; but he looks like the kind of kid I would like to have someday!
His first role is in ThePersuit of Happyness - looks brilliant! Ok I agree that it's the typical American Dream teary, hallmark sort of movie - it's based on Chris Gardner's life and he looks like quite a man who went from a homeless man to a founder of his own company and won Father of the Year in 2002 and supports charities and businesses - it's inspiring what one man can do but even more inspiring is the fact that his mom told him he could be a millionaire; be anything he wanted. I keep going back to this power of positive thinking and attraction and believing - it's wonderful having people show us how much faith, self belief, assurance in oneself and sheer drive and ambition can achieve such greatness!
Please go watch this - I plan to with my older sis!
Speaking of drive ambition and attracting - I have been imagining my business getting more people and profits and have been visualising a great man, being in a great couple and thinking positive thoughts - it's quite a challenge to alter my thinking and break the patterns!
I have had a few children in today sitting eating ice cream at the table - smartie ice cream! Smarties are my favourite and this ice cream - mmm - so all that positive thinking seems to be helping!
I have had customers in/out all day, cleaned the shop, bought books, chatted to kids, sought and found inspiration, responded to queries, changed the window display while visualising love and happiness for myself...

He's so cute!

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