Wednesday, November 22

hot, hot, hot...

I'd love to be out in the streets singing hot, hot, hot, but it is so humid out and I can barely move! It's about 38 Degrees and this hot wind is blowing and it's just you guessed it - hot!
Surprisingly enough the shop has been busy all day; people buying Christmas presents and sensibly heading to air conditioned shopping centres!
On the way from buying a rice paper roll for lunch; I stopped into the pet shop and all the animals were panting in their sleep or had that glassy eyed stare - I'm worried about Hemingway..
A friend of mine came to visit with a cup of coffee earlier and chatted to the customer who bought more and more while talking!
I bought some books off my sis's book club and a few of them have already been sold off the window display and I have that glassy eyed look too while I mooch around the shop; I have no idea how to cool down but have tried alternating between hot/cold beverages...
I am nearly finished the book I have been reading over three days; it's taken me really long, what with doing work, taking photos, arranging displays, chatting with friends, sweeping, looking after puppies and attempting to stay cool!

Customers: 15 +
Beverages drunk so far: 1 x iced coffee (skim milk, honey, espresso and ice); 1 x organic banana smoothie - skim milk, bananas (duh!), protein powder and a skim latte
Sales: over 40
Books: one lot (7 books)bought and waiting to put out
put out and priced 20 this morning
Window Display: re arranged twice, three books sold from it!
best item in store it seems: parachute bags, had for a week and sold over 20
babies: 3 read to so far!
Work to do: books to buy and put out
Tidied and swept: yes and mopped this morning!

It's so hot, am falling asleep...


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