Tuesday, June 20


After watching What's Good For You? last night, I was intrigued by the segment and research on laughter and how it is has been proven to improve mental alertness, physical wellbeing and it COULD prevent heart attacks! Check out their website what'sgoodforyou? - there are some interesting facts and tests, like spinach does not turn you into popeye and it doesn't matter if you brush manually or with an electric toothbrush, just matters that you brush for 2 minutes, floss and pay attention to each tooth! I am learning! Funnily enough there don't seem to have any in Sydney - hmmm - LaughterClubs - just called and found out they do have them in Sydney and it all started in India - I think, there is so much info on the net DrMadanKataria is the man who started it all.
I spent the night in eating sashimi, watching Grey's and Desperate Housewives and reading Augusten Burrough's Sellevision which is really really good. It has it all, the gay man, the affair, the competition in the workplace and the problems people have with their esteem and looks. I really like how Burroughs looks at the individual conflict/situation but links all his characters to their work. Sellevision - Augusten Burroughs and if I am not mistaken it looks like the movie is in development!
I am having English Breakfast tea today (a change!) and getting ready for a big week of engagements, people, shaking hands and learning to mix my own beauty pastes and powders!
It's a gorgeous day and have had so many people coming in and asking/looking for travel guides! One of my customers is going to The Netherlands and the other is going skiing in New Zealand and someone is leaving Oz to go back to sunny Europe! (note to self - get travel books in!)
Back to my book and watching people looking through the travel section...

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