Wednesday, August 26

Interviews and volunteering

Yep, I have been going to interviews and started volunteering to somehow keep my life in balance.

It's been interesting since I left/lost my work in May. Sure it wasn't the ideal position for me but it has been so hard and so strange not to work.

Over the past two years and 3 years before that, I have been made redundant twice, managed and owned a book shop (which had to close down) and lost two jobs.

All this has made me extremely contemplative. I've had to balance and budget, take on temporary work and spend a lot of my time applying for jobs.

I have been to interviews at least once a week, which is good because it means employers have been responding to my resumes. But the positions are not what they seemed in the job ads and the salaries have been appalling.

I've been looking for work for over three months and applying for jobs for at least five hours a day every day.

I've also read what feels like hundreds of books and taking advantage of cheap Tuesday movies!

The nicest thing has been volunteering. I've helped a shop promote and market a cupcake event and we are putting together another event.

I've started teaching seniors how to use personal computers and I'll be helping some seniors once a week.

I've offered to assist and read books to refugees.

It fills my time and my days because otherwise I would go mad applying for work everyday.

I'm hoping that soon I'll find full time work in the field I want. In the meantime, I'll keep going.

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