Thursday, February 12

Fingers crossed

Australians have donated over 50 million AUD for Victorians who lost their homes, pets, families, friends or entire belongings in the bushfires over the weekend. People have been donating nappies, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, kids toys ... truckloads of products have been sent to Victoria and it is incredible to live in a country where people genuinely help each other.

I have been applying for jobs and attending interviews and I have my fingers crossed because I really want to get a job as part of my birthday present, it's my birthday tomorrow - Friday 13th February - a really lucky day and I hope this translates into a job by next week.

I'm searching for jobs and reading newspaper articles. I am in between two books at the moment, both are completely different and are incredible.

Frank Chalk's book It's Your Time You're Wasting: A Teacher's Tales of Classroom Hell, is about his experiences as a supply teacher at a school in the UK. His main point is that the system has failed them, these kids are really not learning a thing.

They spend all day drawing or copying out simple instructions or lining up for 10 minutes. If I had been at a school like that or behaved like that at school, I would not have learnt anything.

I am loving his book, it is extremely enlightening.

The other book I am reading is Stacy Horn's The Restless Sleep which I started reading this morning on the way to a job interview. The book made me nervous, Stacy Horn writes about unsolved murders, there are about 8,894 unsolved murders (In America).

In the preface she writes about how you can pass through the life of a murderer (killer) He is behind you in line as you order a coffee, or you share a smile.

So I think this book will creep me out. I am very interested in crimes and forensics and I am glad that people try to resolve Cold Cases years after the murders took place. I am so glad there are people who care so much about these cases and don't want to let so many killers get away with such horrific murders.

I am so glad I am reading these books, they are certainly keeping me informed.

I hope I get the job and I hope I get loads of presents tomorrow.


  1. ELANA!
    better late than never -
    Very many happy returns!!
    Hope the prezzies and job are all as you dream.
    Much cyber love from snowy Blighty -
    Dee xxx

  2. Very kewl and interesting blog on bits and pieces.
