Tuesday, August 12

back into it

After last week where I was off sick since Tuesday morning it was very very very hard to come back to work on Monday.
For all of you reading this (I like to kid myself) and who have probably watched Neighbours and Home and Away and Australia always seems sunny ... well it has been freezing here. I mean ice cold, I'm wearing a scarf and coat and bed socks at home.
So it makes getting up in the mornings that much harder.
I've been reading loads of books, if you want to see what I've been reading go to my Facebook profile and I'm thrilled that that Books Alive have got a booklet of the 50 books you can't put down.
I have admin to do, blogs to get out, authors to find and prepare questions for, emails to answer
and things to sort out and update.
Frankly I can't seem to get into it at all.
I want to be at a movie or reading or lazying about at home (which amazingly and surprisingly I cleaned over the weekend)
But for now, I've sadly got to get back into it ...

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