Wednesday, June 7

something on my shop door!

Trying to shamelessly promote my writing and the shop so have a review, a few jokes and this on my door:
Name: Ebbye
Occupation/communal position:
second hand book shop owner
On my bedside table: Mercy – Jodi Picoult – I love all her books and cannot put them down. Jodi Picoult really delves into controversial issues and each book questions relevant social questions. Mercy questions euthanasia and on a deeper level the love between two people and begs the question: What would you do for love?
A great recent read: Dry – Augusten Burroughs! It was a personal account of what happened to him when he tried to stop drinking. I felt like he wasn’t trying to justify what happened to him and he included all the awful things.
A favourite from childhood: It wasn’t childhood exactly but I read The Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham in hospital and I keep a copy of it behind my desk in the shop. I don’t know if it was the hospital stay or the thought of plants attacking and stinging but this whole fantasy world really get me distracted.
A book that changed me: Jurassic Park – Michael Crichton. I don’t normally read science fiction, but this book gave me an interest in genetics and this genre. Michael went into great detail about the genetic and scientific part of the dinosaurs and was so intriguing for me. I thought this book was incredible and even refused to see this movie.
My favourite Bible story: There is something very appealing about the Ten Plagues during Pesach. Talk about punishment and intolerance! There is actually a deeper explanation of each plague and why they were inflicted.
For a long plane trip: I would recommend anything that you can lose yourself in, or something so incredibly boring that you sleep all the way through. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince – JK Rowling is a great bet because it is so long and most people I have met seemed to read this straight through. Alternatively you could always read something which will terrify you like Airport – Arthur Hailey which is about a nightmare airplane trip!
Where I like to read: I love reading in the bath; I have even got the balance right and my books hardly ever get wet but when I am reading something I cannot put down, I normally walk along reading it!
A Jewish book that speaks to me: My Name Is Asher Lev – Chaim Potok. This book really spoke to me about issues with Judaism especially is someone is confronted with something that should be part of himself. I always felt that Asher would have embraced his religion more if his love and talent with art did not question his ability to be a good and diligent Jew.
A book I’ve always meant to read: I always feel like I should be reading the classics so I can have intelligent conversations with people coming into the shop! I have always wanted to finish The Other Boleyn Girl – Phillipa Gregory. It was sold when I was half way through it! Phillipa Gregory writes historical fiction and makes you feel as if you are right there with them – I wish I had learnt History like this at school.
An all time favourite: Getting Over It – Anna Maxted. I have read this book so many times I could probably recite whole pages like annoying people do when they see movies over and over. This book is about Helen getting over the death of her father and the struggle she has to come to terms with. I read this again when a friend of mine’s father died and it really helped me to understand the struggle and the intensity of such a loss. I have cried every time I have read this book because it has such an innocent voice in Helen who makes such a mess of her life. Anna Maxted is another favourite author of mine who writes fiction with deeper relevant issues. Since this book she has written one about an eating disorder called Running In Heels and Being Committed which questions relationships

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