Friday, May 12

Chocolate Bread!

My friend has just mentioned chocolate bread in her blog so zipped over to get a chocolate croissant and coffee from next door! Here's to you! I am still reading The Other Boleyn Girl and its getting better and better! Anne is portrayed as quite an ambitious $^&ch and it's amazing how her ambition is so direct. She knows exactly where to aim and everything is centred on her getting the King in her hand, in her bed and in her rule. It's amazing, I am too ditzy to focus for too long and sometimes question what I am doing. Anne doesn't seem to and so comes across as ruthless and callous in the process.
Yesterday after a bit of book organisation and moving shelves around, pricing the front and generally getting arm muscles from carrying books all over the place, my dad and I went to see a movie. It was about to go off the big screen so left the shop for a few hours to see it! Live and Become is the story of a nine year old boy who becomes a Jew to escape from poverty stricken Ethiopia, organised by the Israeli Mossad called "Operation Moses". He leaves everything behind and has to embrace a new religion and culture, but also has to face falling in love, choosing what he wants to do with his life and also has to deal with some very unhappy Israelis who did not like the Ethiopians coming into their country, some came under false pretences. It's in French so get someone to translate for you! I looked up Operation Moses and found out there was also an Operation Joshua and much later an Operation Solomon in which a lot of Ethiopian families were reunited after 10 years. They are known as Falashas and considered a lost Jewish tribe.
I am about to read and review The Boy in Striped Pyjamas for a column I have asked to write and fingers crossed will hopefully figure as a regular column!
I am trying to expose the shop so have written a review for Sydney Magazine in July - get your copies! It is a tiny tiny review on Hemingway's Farewell To Arms - I loved this book because Hemingway was in love with Agnes when he was 19. She actually dumped him, he was too young and totally, utterly and completely in love with her and I have always believed that Farewell To Arms, which is a love story very similar to his own one and perhaps was his catharsis. These are the letters that Agnes wrote to him as well as her diary and I think Hemingway wrote the fictitional version of Farewell To Arms, because that love did last! Very sad.
I have also suggested writing reviews on a web site, so here is hoping that with all this out there, someone will bite and come into the shop! This hot librarian is going to finish her book...

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