Saturday, May 13

Cats are like children..

Cats can be exactly like children sometimes; I was running late for work this morning so of course Hemmy had to get really sick, really really sick all over the balcony and I spent over 40 minutes cleaning it, then him and then me!
I finally got to work and started it with a bizarre day, two people trying to sell me boxes of really old and smelly books! I think of of them was ashamed because the books were dirty, old and the covers were coming off and I said almost immediately - that these weren't the kind of books we are looking for - please take them across to the charity shop.
The other woman asked me several times if there was anything I wanted before leaving! I hate feeling like I am pushed into buying books off people - especially when they are in terrible condition and really are considered rubbish books. I think people haven't figured out yet that they can't make a lot of money (if any!) attempting to sell off old books. Most people only try with books they don't want in the first place and unless they are in excellent condition and books that someone will buy - it's very hard to sell them! So now you all know!
I had a mother come in with the nicest and most polite English boy - pity the mother wasn't the same. She was upset that there wasn't a new book shop closer because she was on her way somewhere and couldn't find a new book shop! I started reading to her son and she was actually impressed by our books anyway! What a strange start to the day...
Last night I went for my first massage and I really was impressed. The masseuse was really trying to assess where my pressure points were and because I had filled out stress and fatigue on the form, he also asked lots of questions and gave me some exercises to do to relieve the tension. We talked about books and art and all kinds of things; he was trying to make me feel comfortable. And after I went for a family dinner, I came home and slept really well and woke up feeling refreshed!
Absolutely wonderful experience and I fully intend on going more often and paying someone to touch me! lol
I have just booked and paid for a friend's birthday weekend away on the 10th, 11th and public holiday Mon 12th June - It's the Queen's birthday weekend! :) I have a big school reunion on the Sunday night 11th June so will have to drive back from the Hunter Valley to Sydney, go to the reunion and drive back! I want to spend Monday in the Hunter Valley so as hectic as it sounds it could be fun! I think the reunion which is three schools and over 1000 people should be fun and who knows who I might find there! I have my room back with my friends and may even get someone to accompany me on the drive back! :)

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