Tuesday, February 20


still sleepy
still designing leaflets and brochures
still reading Fashion Babylon
still coming up with ideas for the shop in my head
still chatting about future events in the shop
still up to organising shop keepers dinners once a month
still slow
still sleepy!

I have been chatting, designing leaflets, sorting out shop hitches, had lunch, emailed companies, sorted out the next author event email and started marketing it - but it's such a slow long day it's only 2pm!
I bought books from 2 lots of people, read to two babies, spoke to and emailed potential authors for events and feel like I have done so much today - but it's slow I am nodding off, it's hot out and my head is full of events, ideas, shop stuff and making plans after work with friends and family!
The only thing I haven't done lately is exercised - I need to find and maintain motivation! I am eating healthier though! like salads, berries, chicken, fish and laying off chips, pizza, wedges - sigh!
I have plans for every second night this and next week, have 2 events in March to get ready for, have lessons I need to learn and come on guys I need motivational exercise hints and tips - I'm tired and lazy and even Hemingway is screaming for attention.

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